Nicolas Cage doesn’t want to be called an ‘actor’ – Henry Club

The Oscar winner, known for his performances in films like ‘Leaving Las Vegas’ and ‘Face/Off’, was shared during a conversation. On the Variety Awards Circuit Podcast That he’s not a fan of being called an “actor”.

“To me it’s always meant, ‘Oh, he’s a great actor, so he’s a great liar,'” Cage said.

“Thespian” works better for him, she said, “because thespian means you’re going into your heart, or you’re going into your imagination, or your memories, or your dreams, and you have the ability to communicate.” There’s something to do.” Bringing back the audience. ,

He currently stars in the movie “Pig” and refers to the film’s director Michael Saranowski as “Archangel Michael”.

“I knew after a few flops that I was marginalized in the studio system, and I was not being invited by them,” Cage said. “I always knew it would be a young filmmaker who would come back or remember some of the films I made and I knew I could be true to his script and find me again. And that’s it. Cause he’s not just Michael, he’s Archangel Michael.”