“Night Ambush”: Ukraine Claims 30-Military Unit Destroyed Russian Convoy

The 40-mile convoy of the Russian army was going towards Kyiv when it got stuck.

A special unit of the Ukrainian Defense Forces, fighting Ukraine warclaims that it has succeeded in destroying a 40-mile convoy of Russian forces headed for Kyiv. The convoy had stopped outside the Ukrainian capital and these amateur drone users said they launched several fatal ambushes to deliver a death blow to the mechanized column.

Drone operators of the 30-strong Ukrainian Special Forces were pulled from an air reconnaissance unit Aerozvidka, according to Guardian, The publication further stated that this unit has developed into an essential element in Ukraine’s successful deterrence against Russia.

Combat drones are capable of shooting down thermal imagery cameras or small bombs as well as sniper rifles Guardian,

Quad bikes are ambushed by drone operators at night. The commander of the unit, Lieutenant Colonel Yaroslav Honchar told Guardian The riders were able to reach huge columns of tanks and other artillery by riding through the woods at night.

“This one small unit destroyed two or three vehicles at the head of this convoy in the night, and then it got stuck. They stayed there two more nights, and (destroyed) several vehicles,” Honcher said.

talking to many times Earlier, Honchar had stated that Russian forces remained stationary at night, fearing Ukrainian shelling forced them to hide their tanks in villages between houses, knowing that conventional artillery would not risk killing civilians. can pick up.

But they use heavy-duty modified octocopter drones to target their enemies.

Defense officials in the US previously verified that resistance by Ukrainians had slowed the Russian advance, and aerial combat footage released a few weeks ago highlighted the importance of drones in combat.

Aerorozvidka has to rely on the Starlink satellites donated by SpaceX founder Elon Musk, and money collected from personal contacts, to continue to operate.

The team was started in 2014 by a group of young Ukrainians who volunteered to help in the fight against the Russian invasion of Crimea.