NIT Andhra Pradesh launches online course on Blockchain, anyone can apply

National Institute of Technology (NIT) Andhra Pradesh is conducting a short term online course on ‘Technical Overview of Public and Private Blockchain’ from February 7-11, 2022. This short term online course is being handled by the department. Computer Science and Engineering, NIT Andhra Pradesh.

Apart from students, teachers and researchers, the course is also open to professionals who are working as computer science engineers, research scientists interested in blockchain, IT professions, especially blockchain architects, blockchain developers, blockchain network operators. are.

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“The course will provide an exposure to trust development and draw parallels to the important social developments in which information technology tools have played an important role. This approach allows participants to understand the origins of blockchain in a unique way,” said the institute. Has a claim.

“In addition to providing a comprehensive study, the components of the course will take a critical look at the architectural elements of public and private blockchains and discuss the various trade-offs. In order to uncover the technology behind blockchain, the course will demonstrate that the blockchain puzzles Not all pieces are created equal,” it added.

During the virtual inauguration, Dr. Dinesh P. Shankar Reddy, Registrar NIT Andhra Pradesh presented an overview about the progress and development of NIT Andhra Pradesh to the participants. Additionally, Dr. Vinoth Kumar Raja, coordinator of the GIAN section of the institute, highlighted the importance of Indian faculty collaborating with foreign faculty in the GIAN initiative and skill building.

The aim of the course is to make the participants well-versed with the current state-of-the-art public and private blockchains. It also aims to provide participants with tools so that they can critically evaluate what problems may benefit from this technology.

Highlighting the unique aspects of this course, First Course Instructor Prof. Ramki Thurimela, Professor Emeritus, Department of Computer Science, University of Denver, USA spoke about the course components, course outcomes and expressed his best wishes to the participants of this course. .

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