Nivedita Joshi to lead the celebrations of Yogakshema for International Day of Yoga

Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi are considered the eight limbs of Yoga, and it is safe to say that Nivedita Joshi has mastered them all in her journey through Yoga. As we look forward to celebrating International Day of Yoga on June 21, 2022, Nivedita takes us through this year’s theme – Yoga for Humanity: Cure through Iyengar Yoga.

Speaking about the event, Nivedita says, “Every year at Yogakshema, we introduce the International Day of Yoga. [Previously] I have presented on subjects like The Art of Art, Science of Yoga and Art, Amalgamation of Science and Philosophy. Since this year’s theme is Yoga for Humanity, I am demonstrating four different cases where doctors or modern science said, ‘Thank you very much, we can’t help you any more’. And through his research he came to me, and I used yoga as a tool to help him. The results were phenomenal. ,

Nivedita Joshi during one of her training sessions

Nivedita, who has been a student or disciple of yoga guru BKS Iyengar for more than 22 years, shared details about her journey in yoga, and how she struggled through “early slip discs” in her teens. “I was 15 years old when I was sitting on the floor for worship. After three hours of worship everyone could get up, and I could not. Basically, I had a broken spine, and there were no MRIs in those days. The then doctor said it was muscle weakness, but it was actually a very young slip disc. And since there was no proper diagnosis, by the 12th year I was completely bedridden and also needed wheelchair support,” she shares.

Nivedita is a qualified microbiologist and was a gold medalist in her master’s degree. “By the time I finished my masters, I was a gold medalist etc. But I was very sad, and science was my passion. That’s when I realized that if your health is not good, then nothing is. That’s when my father [Senior BJP Leader Murli Manohar Joshi] And I started searching and Nanaji Deshmukh suggested Mr. Iyengar. It was a turning point in my life, I never looked back after that,” she clarifies.

Nivedita Joshi firmly believes that yoga is the other form of discipline
Nivedita Joshi firmly believes that yoga is the other form of discipline

She highlights that her training under yoga guru BKS Iyengar was no less than that of Mary Kom. “It was a very strong training. He used to start my practice at 8 in the morning and it would end at 8 in the night. It was a very blissful feeling for me because I had lost my grip, my mother used to feed me, I used to feed me. I couldn’t tie my hair, I couldn’t walk for more than 5 minutes and I used to get down on my wheelchair again and again. My spine was like a vegetable. The interesting thing was that my inactive body was coming to life. More As a scientist, I could see that what he was doing was extremely scientific,” Nivedita recalls.

Nivedita believes that “yoga is another form of discipline” and follows it strongly in her life as well. When asked about her modern lifestyle and how youth can lead a healthy life through yoga, she says, “Two things, and I know they would hate me for saying that – sleeping through the night. and wake up in the morning.Due to our work culture, we have stopped sleeping [properly] At night, and we get up late in the morning. With this, the entire hormonal system goes for a toss. It has been proven by science that if you kill the biological clock for whatever reason, you kill your entire system. Once young people understand the value of the biological clock, initially practicing any kind of sport would be a very good idea. However, you need yoga to bring the mind and body together.”

Nivedita Joshi is a student of Yoga Guru BKS Iyengar for more than 22 years
Nivedita Joshi is a student of Yoga Guru BKS Iyengar for more than 22 years

Nivedita Joshi will host Yogakshema’s Yoga for Humanity through Iyengar Yoga session today, June 17, 2022. The Chief Guests of this program are Hon’ble Civil Aviation Minister Shri Jyotiraditya M Scindia and Dr. KK Talwar, Former Chairman, Medical. council of India will be the special guest.

The program will be held at Yogaksham, 65-67 Deendayal Upadhyay Marg, Rouse Avenue, Near Sarvodaya School, New Delhi from 6.30 PM.

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