no short circuit

Safety is an imperative and should be included in the cost and utility of electric vehicles

Safety is an imperative and should be included in the cost and utility of electric vehicles

Incidents related to burning of electric vehicles (EVs) resulted in the central government announcing an expert panel to probe battery explosions and some manufacturers recalling batches of electric scooters after the fire broke out. With over 11 lakh electric/battery-powered vehicles registered in India, EVs are fast becoming a viable transportation tool (Vehicle Database, April 2022). The increase in the use of EVs has also been helped largely by a significant reduction in the cost of lithium-ion batteries, which have fallen an estimated 89% since 2010. With climate change concerns, governments, including in India, are pushing to encourage the transition to EVs. With the increase in indigenous companies in the Indian market too, there has been a boom in their manufacturing for commercial use. The increased use of EVs and the use of underlying technology are welcome because, despite the institution of fuel emission norms and making them into fossil fuel-powered vehicles, the transition to petrol and diesel EVs is expected to yield significant net environmental benefits. Is. But it should also be remembered that Li-ion battery packs which are the core of the technology are sophisticated devices and there should be no compromise on inbuilt safety measures.

Explained as an energy storage scientist Hindu (‘Frequently Asked Questions’ page, May 1, 2022), battery fires are caused by the convergence of heat, oxygen and fuel, and these specifically require controlled manufacturing of equipment to prevent them. Higher safety engineering in EVs can result in higher costs but smooth operation of Li-ion batteries without accidents is dependent on “shoddy engineering” and the absence of a “cutting corner approach”. With long-term device changes in Li-ion batteries such as the use of solid state electrolytes, special safety switches, etc., implementation is still some time away, it is up to manufacturers and regulators to ensure that battery-related testing and Certification standards to be ensured. Devices such as management systems that prevent accidental depletion of cells, and thermal management solutions among others are found in existing EV systems and supply chains. Union Transport Minister Nitin Gadkari has said that the road transport ministry will issue guidelines for electric vehicles which will include tests for compliance with specific safety norms. Although regulation of a growing sector, which has shown a lot of promise but the need to implement adequate safety norms, is an imperative, manufacturers and other companies in the EV supply chain are also actively involved in recalling defective batches of vehicles. Must work and ensure safety compliance to prevent recurrence of accidents.