North Korea yet to stage military parade to mark key anniversary – Times of India

Seoul: North Korea has yet to stage a military parade, which is widely expected to be held phiongyang To mark a major national anniversary this week, an informed source said on Monday.
Many had predicted the opening of the parade at midnight on Sunday, the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Korean People. revolutionary army (KPRA) which falls on the day, report Yonhap News Agency,
The KPRA is an anti-Japanese guerrilla force created in 1932 by national founder Kim Il-sung.
Satellite imagery showed the North’s clear preparations to hold a street parade at Kim Il Sung Square in Pyongyang, which included thousands of soldiers and military equipment.
Some observers in Seoul said the parade could be delayed due to weather or other unspecified conditions amid forecasts of rain in the north’s capital.
On Monday morning, North Korean state media, including officials Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) published articles on the anniversary but did not mention whether a military parade was held.
Under the leadership of Kim Jong UnThe North, who took power in late 2011, has held nine major military parades for national celebrations, including October 10, the anniversary of the founding of the ruling Workers’ Party.
North Korea has celebrated the anniversary of the founding of the military on April 25 since 1978, before changing the date to February 8 in 2018.