Norwegian startup Fresco has launched the 8-seater 1,000 Km EV . unveiled

Fresco designed a car that basically looks like a giant Apple Magic Mouse

Many details are still missing from what Fresco has revealed
Scopesee photos

Many details are still missing from what Fresco has revealed

The fresco that was last heard in 2019 due to its first EV – Reverie – is back again, this time with a car that has to accommodate eight passengers and has a range of 1,000 km on a single charge. The car is called the Fresco XL which is a carrier type vehicle whose battery pack is not part of a separate skateboard but is part of the main structure. Fresco is taking the $1,128 deposited for the final product which will be approximately $112,860.


The vehicle boasts of 1,000 km range and eight seats

Fresco hasn’t revealed how big the battery is, but the company has also revealed that it will have V2L capabilities and double-stacked cells for maximum storage capacity. There will be two motors, one on each axle and it is designed in such a way that it works well in harsh climatic conditions. This is a logical decision, as the fresco is from Norway, which has an extremely cold climate.

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Visually, it almost looks like the giant Apple Magic Mouse that comes with an iMac. It gets a light rail at the front but there is no image of the interior of the vehicle. Overall, Fresco still needs to come out of the gate with more details about the car before it can be taken seriously enough to actually make it to production and be delivered to customers.

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