Nutritionist Pooja Makhija shares a healthy way to include raw mangoes in every meal

Many of us enjoy mangoes in summers. Apart from ripe mangoes, raw (green) mangoes are also delicious. There are many ways to enjoy this fruit. Some people like to eat raw mangoes with a little salt and chili powder/chaat masala. Others use it to make a variety of regional and innovative dishes. But if you are looking for a quick and easy way to include green mangoes in your diet, why not opt ​​for chutney? Many would agree that even a spoonful of chutney can take any meal to the next level. Celebrity nutritionist Pooja Makhija recently shared a delicious raw Mango chutney Recipe on Instagram. Here’s why you should try it:

Read also: All you need is a mango and 5 minutes to lose weight this summer

Are Raw Mangoes Healthy? Top Benefits of Green Mango:

Rich in Vitamin C:

Green mangoes are rich in Vitamin C and antioxidants which help in boosting immunity and also promote healthy skin.

Provides relief from digestive problems:

This fruit can improve the secretion of digestive juices. Thus consuming raw mango can help in combating IndigestionConstipation, diarrhea, and chronic dyspepsia.

A burning sensation in the stomach can make you feel uncomfortable. photo credit: iStock

Good for Your Heart:

Raw mangoes contain niacin, which can increase levels of good cholesterol and improve overall heart health. The magnesium and potassium content of this fruit also make it a heart-friendly ingredient.

Can prevent heat exhaustion by:

Raw mango juice is often recommended for people who are prone to heat exhaustion and heat stroke. It helps you stay hydrated naturally and can help replenish your energy and nutrient levels after spending time in the hot sun.

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May aid in weight loss:

Green mangoes are low in calories while high in fiber. They can help keep you satiated for longer and can also boost your metabolism. This makes them a great addition to your weight loss diet.

Now that you know how raw mango is good for you, here’s how to make a healthy chutney with it:

Quick and Easy Green Mango (Kairi) Chutney Recipe by Nutritionist Pooja Makhija

1. Peel the raw mango and cut it into thin slices. Keep these pieces in a bowl of cold water for about 15-20 minutes.

2. Prepare a tempering of green chillies and Kashmiri dry red chillies. Pour this mixture into a blender.

3. After this, temper the onion slices with a little salt and then put it in the blender as well.

4. Add chopped garlic cloves, freshly grated coconut and curry leaves to the blender.

5. Lastly, add soaked raw mango slices and mix all the ingredients to make a smooth sauce.

6. You can store this green mango chutney in the fridge for future use. Pair it with your favorite dishes to add some extra flavor!

Watch the full reel below:

Other ways to include raw mango in your diet:

As a salad:

This season, say no to heavy meals and opt for this light and refreshing salad with raw mango, onion, lettuce, mint and much more. Click here For full recipe.

As a drink:

Green mangoes are used to make the popular summer drink aam panna. This refreshing traditional drink is a delicious way to stay hydrated. Find the full recipe Here,


Make delicious mango panna at home.

Vegetable form:

You can also include raw mangoes in your lunch and dinner preparations. Try this Maharashtrian Kairi Bhaji for a wholesome and delicious meal. Click here for recipe.

As a separate sauce:

If you are looking for a different type of green mango chutney, try Aam ki Launji. This delectable side dish includes the flavor of cumin, fennel, asafoetida, etc. as well as the spiciness of chilies. Watch Recipe Video Here,

For more raw mango recipes, check out This list. Try making these recipes while curry is still in season!

Disclaimer: This content provides general information only including advice. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult an expert or your own physician for more details. NDTV does not take responsibility for this information.