Obama sharply criticizes Glenn Youngkin in Virginia’s gubernatorial race

When asked for comment, a spokesman for the Youngkin campaign called Mr Obama’s remarks a “false statement”.

Former US President Barack Obama offered a scathing rebuke of the Republican nominee for Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin as he encouraged voters to support Democrat Terry McAuliffe in the race for a closer look on October 23.

Mr Obama accused Mr Youngkin of portraying himself as a friendly everybody while encouraging what Mr Obama called “lies and conspiracy theories” about widespread voting fraud in the 2020 election.

Former President Donald Trump continues to push the false narrative about the election fraud that fueled the January 6 uprising at the US Capitol.

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“Either he really believes in the same conspiracy theories that resulted in the mob, or he doesn’t believe in it, but he’s willing to go along with it, say anything, or do anything to get elected. And Maybe it’s even worse… because it says something about the character,” said Mr. Obama.

Mr Youngkin, a former private equity executive and first-time candidate, initially made “election integrity” the centerpiece of his campaign and for months declined to say whether President Joe Biden was legitimately elected.

He has since said that the president was Biden, and that last year’s election had not been widespread fraud.

Obama campaigns for Democrat Terry McAuliffe

Mr. Obama described Mr. McAuliffe, the state’s governor from 2014-2018, as an experienced, steady hand and told a crowd of about 2,000 at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond that the November 2 election “will show the country and the world”. That we’re not going to indulge in our worst instincts.”

The former president said he understands that the country’s divisive politics and the stress of the pandemic have left voters spoiled. But he said a lot is at stake for not voting.

“We do not have time to get tired. What is required is continuous effort,” he said.

Barack Obama described Mr McAuliffe as an experienced, steady hand.

Youngkin Campaign on “Electoral Integrity”

When asked for comment, a spokesman for the Youngkin campaign called Mr Obama’s remarks a “false statement” and alleged The Associated Press “Indulging in the fantasies of Terry and the Left because they can’t live up to their failing record and radical vision for the future.”

The Youngkin campaign has stated that election security is a bipartisan concern and has today sought to draw comparisons between false claims of fraud and the 2000 presidential election, when a Supreme Court ruling decided the winner and Mr McAuliffe destroyed the decision. and said that the election was stolen.

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Mr McAuliffe is seeking a return to office in the only state where the incumbent cannot serve consecutive terms. Less than two weeks before the November 2 election, polls show a tight race in a state Mr Biden has fallen by the last 10 percentage points.

Virginia’s race for new governor in the limelight

While New Jersey also has an election for governor on November 2, it is Virginia’s race that has drawn national attention as a possible sign of voter sentiment ahead of next year’s midterm.

Several Democratic elected officials, including US Representatives Donald McEachin and Bobby Scott, US Senators Tim Kaine and Governor Ralph Northam, also commented at the October 23 event.

Officials chose the election as a choice between a proven leader and an extremist who would roll back progressive reforms implemented during the past two years of full democratic control of the state government, including voting rights and access to abortion. , strict gun laws and criminal. Justice reform.

Many speakers acknowledged that the competition is close. “We can’t take any risks,” said Mr. Northam.

Glenn Youngkin did not directly address the harsh criticisms of Barack Obama.

Glenn Youngkin did not directly address the harsh criticisms of Barack Obama.

Several speakers sought to link Mr Youngkin and his running mates to Mr Trump. “Glenn Youngkin is extreme. This guy is a fan of Donald Trump,” said Democrat National Committee Chairman Jaime Harrison.

Mr Obama also visited the Virginia capital to rally Democrats during Northam’s 2017 race for governor against Republican Ed Gillespie, who lost by nearly 9 percentage points.

High-profile Democrat campaign for Terry McAuliffe

His visit marked the latest in a series of appearances by high-profile Democrats who have come to the state in recent days to press for Mr McAuliffe’s candidacy.

They include voting rights activist Stacey Abrams, Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms and Vice President Kamala Harris, who told the crowd Thursday night that “the race is tight”.

Mr Biden, who campaigned with McAuliffe over the summer, is joining the Democratic nominee in Northern Virginia on 26 October.

National Republican groups criticized McAuliffe on 23 October for a procession of high-profile surrogates.

“As Biden’s polling numbers continue to drop, McAuliffe is going down with him and no heavily hit politician will right the ship,” said Maddie Anderson, a spokeswoman for the Republican Governors Association.

Mr Youngkin, who has generally stayed away from outside supporters in the final stages, held a rally in suburban Richmond on the evening of 23 October at the start of a statewide bus tour.

Speaking to a crowd of hundreds at a farm next to a grocery market, he outlined his platform for a half-hour, cutting taxes, rolling back red tape, banning critical race theory, and launching an elaborate charter school program. promised.

He said the election offered an opportunity to change the trajectory of the state, where “the relentless pursuit of a better life, prosperity is not burdened or blocked by self-treating politicians.”

“This thing is a toss-up,” he said, and later predicted he would win.

Mr. Youngkin did not directly address the harsh criticisms of Mr. Obama. But the former collegiate basketball player made a joke about an element of Obama’s remarks, saying he had challenged the former president, an ardent basketball fan, to a one-on-one game.


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