Obesity and Stroke – Is There a Link? Read on to find out

While age is considered a risk factor for stroke, more than a third of all strokes are seen in people under the age of 65. And although some people may have a tendency to have a stroke, a healthy weight and lifestyle are the keys to reducing the risk. the strokes.

Studies show that people with a high body mass index (BMI) have a higher risk of stroke at any age. “Being overweight leads to high blood pressure, which is one of the leading causes of stroke. In addition, being overweight leads to a metabolic syndrome characterized by high blood sugar, high cholesterol and high triglycerides. The higher the metabolic risk of people. factors, higher is their risk of stroke,” says Dr. Neha Kapoor, Senior Consultant & Head – Neurology, Asian Hospital, Faridabad.

Over time, these conditions can damage the blood vessels of the brain and heart and increase the risk of a blood clot that can travel to the brain resulting in a stroke.

People who are overweight are more likely to have metabolic syndrome which increases the risk of stroke, although some other unexplained links between high BMI and stroke are also possible factors. This suggests that obesity alone may put you at higher risk of stroke. Thus, if you are on the higher side of the scale, it is highly recommended that you shed the extra kilos.

Dr. Kapoor talks about some healthy habits that can reduce your risk of stroke. Most risk factors for stroke, including obesity, are reversible. This means losing excess weight and managing other risk factors such as high blood sugar can reduce your risk of stroke. Losing weight starts with a healthy lifestyle that includes the following:
regular workout
While a regular dose of exercise benefits people of all ages, it is important not only for weight loss but is a cornerstone of heart health. It is recommended to get at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise every week. However, before you start an intense workout, consult your healthcare provider to make sure it is safe.
Healthy Diet
It is important to have a healthy and balanced diet to lose weight and protect yourself from stroke. Check out foods that will help you lose weight and reduce stroke risk factors.
must eat
• Foods rich in antioxidants like broccoli, grapes
• Peas, Beans and Other Foods Rich in Protein
• Leafy vegetables like spinach which are rich in fiber
• Foods rich in omega-3 fats such as salmon, mackerel
• High fiber vegetables like cauliflower, cabbage
• Dairy products such as Greek yogurt

Restrict too much sodium, added sugars, fried and greasy foods, processed foods, white bread, pasta, etc. In other words, while it is good to eat less, don’t starve yourself as it can eventually make you feel unwell. Meal.
monitor your health
No matter where you are on the weight scale, monitoring your health is essential, especially if you have metabolic syndrome or other conditions that increase your risk of stroke.
If you are suffering from known health conditions, take your medicines regularly and go for regular health check-ups.
Finally, it’s important for all people—especially those who are overweight—to be aware of the signs of stroke, which include:
• Sudden headache
• Confusion
• dizzy
• jumble of words
• feeling weak or numb in your arms, face, or legs
• Difficulty walking
If you suspect a stroke, call immediately or go to the nearest emergency room.

Losing extra kilos can reduce the risk of stroke. In addition, it also works to improve several secondary conditions associated with stroke that contribute to stroke. “A BMI over 25 indicates you are on the higher side of the scale and as it becomes higher, your risk of high blood sugar, high cholesterol and high blood pressure also increases. Each of these conditions puts you at greater risk of stroke. Dr. Kapoor says.

A healthy lifestyle not only helps you manage these conditions and lose weight, it also works to reduce your risk of stroke. But before you start your weight loss journey, be sure to consult with your healthcare provider to find out if it’s safe for you.

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