‘Obsolete: The New Journey’: Navigating marriage during the pandemic

Actresses Shreya Dhanwantri and Priyanshu Painyuli, and director Nupur Asthana talk about working on the upcoming Amazon Prime anthology

After the success of its earlier compilation ban lifted In 2020 – which spoke of life during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic – Amazon Prime now comes with a sequel, titled Haven’t stopped: a new journey.

The new series is also set to showcase five unique stories that provide a window into how the pandemic has changed us, making us value life and emotions more than ever.

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One of the sections in the anthology is couple, Shreya Dhanwantri (family man) and Priyanshu Painuli (Mirzapur 2), and directed by Nupur Asthana (Will you do friendship with me, four more shots please!It is the story of a young couple’s relationship that suddenly falls into danger when the wife finds herself out of a job amid the pandemic. The pressure it puts on them forces them to reevaluate their marriage and their world.

Hindu sat down with the director and the cast couple To talk to him about his experience with OTT platforms, experimenting with anthologies and filmmaking during the pandemic. Excerpts from an interview:

We’ve already seen the first version of Unposed in 2020; What is something new that the audience can expect from the sequel this time?

Nupur: The first collection centered around the pandemic that was happening right before us; There was a long lockdown and the anthology explored the problems people were facing. This time we made it after the second wave ended and there was hope, determination and a sense of survival. As we thought the pandemic was easing, we tried to show how people began to move on and adapt to the new normal. Together and on.

Shreya: He said in a very cool way, I have nothing to add to this. (laughs)

Do you think the Indian audience is adopting the anthology well given that it is a new phenomenon introduced to them only through streaming platforms?

Shreya: I really hope all forms of entertainment, regardless of length, do well.

priyanshu: I find it really interesting to see different directors trying to tell stories about a similar concept. They are looking at the same subject through a different lens, and trying to cover different aspects of the same thing. Earlier people could not access short films, but I think through this kind of anthology they can see and appreciate them.

Nupur: Earlier it was also a commercial thing. Where can we screen a short film? It was only at a film festival. We could not arrange with any exhibitor or theater to show a short film. With the advent of OTT platforms, there is a theme and many voices are exploring the theme in different ways which gives the audience a bouquet of stories that encapsulate the same theme and same sentiment. If someone is ready to watch ten episodes of the show, I think they are very happy to see the anthology.

Another advantage with OTT is that these compilations will always be on stage waiting for the audience, and they can pick it up and watch it when they want to. This personalized viewing experience has given viewers a lot of agency.

What did you do to make sure your story stood out, and that there was no overlap of ideas, given that the compilation required you to stick to a specific theme?

Nupur: I didn’t do anything in particular, because I didn’t know the story of the other teams. The Amazon team is amazing and they encourage different stories from filmmakers. He knew that all stories were different from each other. I approached it like I have approached every other job I do; Whether he is part of an anthology or not, he has to have his say.

Considering some of your remarkable work in front of audiences through web-series, what do you think about the evolution of OTT platforms and their impact on storytelling?

Shreya: I think the OTT platform has been a big blessing. Earlier, it used to be like a big stadium, which was not accessible to many. But with streaming, the playing field has become much bigger. It’s not just for the people in front of the camera; The OTT platform has provided a lot of opportunities to the editors, directors and also the people behind the scenes. It is unbelievable how many opportunities they have created for all of us.

A Still from the Anthology

priyanshu: The kind of stories we are able to present – ​​especially on a global stage – is lovely. You are able to tell stories that appeal globally. We are watching Spanish and Korean shows, and in return, they are watching our shows… so we can’t tell what was called ‘Formula Story’ earlier. OTT platforms let us experiment, and as an actor, it is great that we are getting to do such diverse characters.

Your segment in the anthology revolves around a woman losing her job and the impact it has on her personal relationships. Have you personally seen anyone go through this during the pandemic?

Nupur: We were all reading about it during this pandemic; Many people were fired from jobs in different sectors. What was shocking to me was that more women lost jobs than men. There was a crazy statistic that said there were about four to six for every 10 women in the workplace; That’s how I got angry. I also had some friends in the media and corporate world who went through difficult times. I was furious about it, wanted to write about it, and it eventually found its way into this movie and this couple’s relationship.

The release of this new version of ‘Unposed’ comes when we are entering the third wave. Do you have anything to say to your audience?

Shreya: I hope there is no third wave, and I hope this is something we can deal with.

priyanshu: Watch ban lifted Because we are showing what happened during the second wave, and it is a reminder to people how bad the situation was at that time. This will remind them to keep their guard.

Nupur: He has said a lot and everything. The last two waves have taught us to value human relationships and value each other, and I think it will see us through another wave.

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