Odisha government to set up cyber security operations center to protect applications. Bhubaneswar News – Times of India

Bhubaneswar: In a big jump cyber the protection, Orissa The government is all set to put in place a robust mechanism to protect its websites and applications from hackers. a cyber security operations Center (CSOC) is being built on the premises of Odisha Computer Application Center (OCAC) Tower to prevent any cyber intrusion and extortion attempts.
“In the wake of emerging cyber threats, we will soon have a next generation and stronger cyber security wall to protect government websites from being hacked. The overarching objective of the CSOC would be to monitor suspicious incoming traffic and take immediate preventive measures against malicious users. CSOC will monitor, detect, investigate and respond to cyber threats,” Manoj Kumar Mishra, Secretary, Department of Electronics and Information Technology (E&IT), told TOI.
Initially, the system will be rolled out at the State Data Center (SDC) where government applications are hosted, the State Wide Area Network (SWAN), and the secretariat infrastructure. Later, other government infrastructure will be integrated with CSOC.
“The websites of several government-owned offices and agencies have been hacked and spoofed in the past. The CSOC will have a complete view of the threat landscape including various endpoints, servers and software. It is responsible for collecting, maintaining and regularly reviewing logs of all network activity and communications. It can detect the existence of threats,” said another E&IT official.
CSOC will scan or monitor the network round the clock to spot any suspicious activity. The center will issue alerts about emerging threats to prevent any damage. CSOC will scrutinize each threat closely, discard false threats and detect genuine threats. Given any threat, the center will act as a first responder, taking actions such as closing or isolating endpoints, terminating harmful processes or preventing files from being executed and deleted.
CSOC can also work to restore the system and recover any lost or compromised data. CSOC will work round the clock in which IT experts will keep a close watch on cyber intruders and block them immediately. A global threat alarm system will be adopted to receive early alerts about emerging malware. CSOC can also prevent Denial of Service (DoS) attacks. DoS is a cyber attack aimed at depriving legitimate users of online services. This is done by filling the network or server with useless and invalid authentication requests which eventually bring down the entire network.
