Odisha’s fake doctor’s second wife arrested for helping to cheat other husband and wife. Bhubaneswar News – Times of India

Bhubaneswar: Second wife of a fake doctor In Odisha, a man who married 18 times has been arrested from Jharkhand, for allegedly helping him dupe other women, police said here on Tuesday. Ramesh Chandra Swain, a 66-year-old man from a coastal village Orissa‘s Kendrapara DistrictHe had more than 18 wives in seven states in 38 years and allegedly duped them of lakhs of rupees by posing as doctors.
The second wife, a doctor, was arrested on Monday for allegedly helping Swain Danger,
He is being brought to Odisha on Tuesday on transit remand, a police officer said.
The woman was employed in Gujarat’s Jamnagar and was on the run since Swain’s arrest on February 23 this year.
Earlier, the police had arrested another woman, claiming to be Swain’s sister, on charges of helping her get married several times and duping women of money.
Police said the police came to know about the involvement of his second wife during interrogation of Swain.
A father of five, Swain married his first wife in 1982 and his second wife in 2002.
Between 2002 and 2020, he befriended and married other women through the matrimonial website.
Police said he used to target middle-aged single women seeking mates on matrimonial websites.
After marriage, he used to leave her with their money.
According to the police, Swain introduced himself as a doctor posted as a Deputy Director General under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.
Police said the complaint was not registered because of the social status of their wives as many of them were lawyers, doctors and teachers.
A case was registered against Swain under various sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) at the Mahila Police Station here.
Swain’s activities came to light after a Delhi school teacher, who she was married to, lodged a complaint with the Mahila Police Station here in July 2021 that the accused had married her in New Delhi in 2018 and kept her in Bhubaneswar. Was.
He came to know about her many marriages and then sought the help of law enforcers.
Soon after the case was registered with the police station, Swain fled the city and started living with another wife in Assam.
The fake doctor was caught on his return to his city apartment after about six months. PTI common mm mm