Ola News: From e-bikes to flying cars; Ola Plots Mobility Future | – times of India

New Delhi: Of India Hailstone The company’s founder Bhavish Agarwal said in a blogpost on Thursday that kick scooters, e-bikes, drones and even flywheels will be included in its future mobility plan to help meet the country’s transportation needs. Cars are planned to be produced.
Agarwal said in his post that Ola, backed by Japan’s SoftBank Group, is building a “new mobility” ecosystem that will include mobility services, new energy vehicles and digital forms of auto retail.
The company’s electric unit will soon start production of its first electric scooter At a plant in the southern state of Tamil Nadu, which it says is the largest in the world. Indian start-ups also have plans to expand into electric bikes and cars.
Electric is the future of accessible and affordable transport in India, and the internal combustion engine, automobile and related ecosystem is a “relic of the past”, Argawal said in his post, with consumers downgraded to being just “a quagmire”. This giant wheel”.
“Our EVs (electric vehicles) are smart, connected AI machines and will leapfrog from existing personal vehicles that are silent mechanical devices. They are available in a variety of forms including kick scooters, e-bikes and even drones and flying cars. factors to meet diverse needs,” he wrote.
Aggarwal estimates that while EVs cost up to 80% less than gasoline vehicles, the company’s mobility push could increase vehicle ownership in India from about 15% to 40% currently, and could also reduce air pollution.
EVs are currently a fraction of the 23 million cars, scooters and motorcycles sold in India a year – with electric scooters leading the way. This is mainly due to the high cost of EVs and inadequate charging infrastructure as compared to the gasoline variants.
To boost the sector, India plans to provide around $7.5 billion in total incentives for companies to set up battery and vehicle manufacturing, as well as for buyers to switch to EVs.
Tesla Inc., the world’s largest electric car maker, is also preparing to start selling cars in India and is lobbying the government to lower taxes on imported electric vehicles.


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