Omi is completely stopped:

symbolic photo.


First plan twice to halt the momentum after Omicron (Omicron), the new format of Office of Government (UK Government) investigation (coronavirus). To post in the media. There are plans prepared for the update to be prepared about the games being designed to play. According to a report published in The Financial Times, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has been presented with several options under the so-called Plan C, ranging from ‘mild restrictions to lockdown’.

this also further

The health care facility will have a health care facility for the status of the Department of Health for the status of a state suitable for health care. Is required. Details are received.

The lockdown restrictions have been reported again, when a record 93,045 cases of Kovid-19 infection were reported in Britain on Friday, which is 4,669 more than the 88,376 cases reported on Thursday. Although the delta pattern is spread across much of the country, cases of Omicron infection have increased rapidly in London and Scotland. In the number inside London, he is the second person’s number.

(Line for headline, this kind of team said the team, it’s written by Cindy.)
