Omicron BA.2: How do you know you are infected? 6 symptoms to watch for

So far it is a known fact that Omicron BA.2 The previously identified subvariant spreads faster than BA.1. And some recent studies have cited that stealth can cause infections as serious as Omicron Delta (though they have yet to be peer-reviewed). While the dangers of the newly identified subvariant are unknown, researchers continue to study it to understand its symptoms, severity, and other important factors. Here is everything you need to know.

What are the most common symptoms of Omicron BA.2?

Studies show in the UK (where the stealth omicron is already spreading at a high rate) that people infected with the sub-version show gut-related symptoms.

“We know this virus goes to different parts of the body. It’s possible that Omicron or some other type is invading the gut. And it wouldn’t be showing up in the nose – so you could have a gut infection but positive Can’t see it,” Tim Spector, professor of Zoe Covid Symptom Studies, told The Sun.

What are patients experiencing?

When infected, patients are complaining of six stomach-related ailments – nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, heartburn, swelling.

Earlier, the Zoe COVID app notified diarrhea as a symptom of COVID, but classified it as “less well known”.

“We are still investigating whether the increase in reports of gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhoea, food cravings and abdominal pain that were prevalent with the previous variants means that there is now an increase in those from not associated with those who test positive for Omicron,” said one study by Zoe.

What are the symptoms associated with Omicron?

So far more than 25 symptoms have been reported in people infected with this.

These include – fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, tiredness, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat or hoarse voice, congestion or runny nose, nausea. or vomiting, diarrhea, high temperature, persistent cough, back pain, loss of appetite, delirium, heartburn, swelling, sleep paralysis, skin rash, night sweats, covid tongue, covid toes or fingers, chest pain , stomach ache.

Experts suggest that Omicron patients are reporting a variety of symptoms because of vaccination status and immunity acquired from previous infections.

What WHO Said on Omicron Subvariant BA.2?

The World Health Organization stated that BA.2 is certainly more permeable than BA.1 but the severity level of both types is similar. And, if there’s another Omicron surge, we’ll see more of BA.2 next time around.

It also cautioned that Omicron is not lightweight, although it may be lighter than Delta.

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