Omicron BA.2 Symptoms: Feeling severe pain in the abdomen? How to confirm it is COVID

covid It can affect all our organs. From the lungs to the chest, it can also affect our nervous system, causing serious diseases like cardiac arrest and even vasculitis. Now, it is a well-known fact by now that the severity of the infection depends on one’s immunity and vaccination status. And the symptoms are so varied and different from each other, that it is difficult to diagnose the disease by just the signs or symptoms. For example, recent studies have shown omicron It can also cause problems related to the intestine. Now, if you experience abdominal pain, how do you determine if it is not a stomach bug but COVID?

What are the gut related problems experienced by the patients?

Recent studies have shown that many Omicron positive (especially Omicron BA.2) patients suffer from stomach related problems like nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, heartburn, bloating.

“We know this virus goes to different parts of the body. It’s possible that Omicron or some other type is invading the gut. And it wouldn’t be showing up in the nose – so you could have a gut infection but positive Can’t see it,” Tim Spector, professor of Zoe Covid Symptom Studies, told The Sun.

However, even before the discovery of Omicron, many people complained of abdominal pain when they contracted COVID. So this is not a new symptom, but it is ‘lesser known’.

How severe is the pain?

Earlier, the ZOE COVID study said that the pain usually occurs in the middle of the abdomen. Pain may also be felt around it. “When present, abdominal pain usually occurs in the first few days of illness and, in most people, tends to go away very quickly (within a day or two).”

“In mild cases, abdominal pain usually appears with headache and fatigue. They are also accompanied by loss of smell and unusual muscle pain in adults. Abdominal pain is sometimes accompanied by fever, sore throat, and pain in all age groups.” may also occur with skipping meals,” the study also noted.

What are the symptoms associated with Omicron?

So far more than 25 symptoms have been reported in people infected with this.

These include – fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, tiredness, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat or hoarse voice, congestion or runny nose, nausea. or vomiting, diarrhea, high temperature, persistent cough, back pain, loss of appetite, delirium, heartburn, swelling, sleep paralysis, skin rash, night sweats, covid tongue, covid toes or fingers, chest pain , stomach ache.

However, the severity of the infection depends on the vaccination and immunity of the individual.

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