Omicron COVID version: Omicron risk remains ‘very high’, says WHO World News – Times of India

Geneva: Overall risk associated with new form of anxiety omicron stays “too high”, World Health Organization (WHO) said on Wednesday that the global Kovid-19 cases in the world continue to rise.
The weekly epidemiological update by the WHO showed that the week of 20-26 December saw an 11 percent increase in the global number of new COVID-19 cases compared to the previous week.
“Consistent evidence shows that Omicron has a growth advantage delta A doubling time of 2-3 days and a rapid increase in the incidence of cases is seen in many countries, including those where the variant has become the dominant SARS-CoV-2 variant,” the WHO update cited examples. Said UK and US
However, South Africa has now seen a decline in the incidence of cases.
The WHO noted that the rapid growth rate is likely to be a combination of both immune evasion and the intrinsic increased transmissibility of the Omicron variant.
“Preliminary data from the UK, South Africa and Denmark suggest that the risk of hospitalization is lower for Omicron than for the delta version,” said the WHO weekly update, but added that there are no clinical implications of severity, including use. More data is needed to understand the markers. Oxygen, mechanical ventilation and death, and how severity may be affected by vaccination.
Omicron was first detected in South Africa last month. Health officials in South Africa, but also health experts in other countries, have said the Omicron variant is much more transmissible but produces mild cases.
