Omicron: Omicron sub-variant found in 57 countries: WHO – Times of India

Geneva: a subreddit of Highly Infectious omicron The WHO said on Tuesday that the coronavirus strain, which some studies indicate may be even more contagious than the original version, has been detected in 57 countries.
The rapidly spreading and heavily mutated Omicron variant has rapidly become the dominant variant worldwide since it was first detected in the South. Africa 10 weeks ago.
In its weekly epidemiological update, World Health Organization Said the variant, which accounts for more than 93 percent of all coronavirus samples collected last month, counts several sub-lineages: BA.1, BA.1.1, BA.2 and BA.3.
BA.1 and BA.1.1 – the first variant identified – still account for more than 96 percent of all oomicron sequences uploaded to the GISAID Global Science Initiative, it said.
But there has been a clear increase in cases involving BA.2, which counts several different mutations from the origin – including the spike protein that dot the surface of the virus and is key to entering human cells.
“Ba.2-designated sequences have been submitted to GISAID from 57 countries,” the WHO said, adding that, in some countries, the sub-variant now accounts for more than half of all oomicron sequences collected.
The United Nations health agency said little is yet known about the differences between the subtypes, and called for studies into its characteristics, including its communicability, immune defenses, and how well it evaded viruses. Is.
Several recent studies have indicated that BA.2 is more infectious than the original Omicron.
Maria van kerkhoveOne of the top WHO experts covidtold reporters on Tuesday that information about the sub-version was very limited, but some preliminary data indicated that BA.2 had a “slight increase in growth rate compared to BA.1”.
Omicrons in general are known to cause less severe disease than previous coronavirus variants that have wreaked havoc, such as deltaAnd Van Kerkhove said there is “no indication that there has been a change in severity” so far in the BA.2 sub-version.
He stressed that regardless of the stress, COVID remains a dangerous disease and people should try to avoid catching it.
“We need to make people aware that this virus is spreading and it continues to grow,” she said.
“It’s really important that we take measures to reduce our exposure to this virus, whatever type it is being transmitted.”
