Optical Illusion: This Shadow Play of Wooden Sticks Is Shocking the Internet

Optical illusion is fast becoming the next social media craze. It is often a combination of colour, light and pattern. The visuals are deceiving or confusing our minds, making us wonder.

Recently another optical illusion photo has surfaced on social media, which is attracting people’s interest. The image was created by artist Yves Lapert and was described on Reddit as “a simple yet spectacular illusion,” The Sun reported.

At first glance, the image shows four triangles arranged in such a way that they appear to float in the air. However, upon closer inspection, we see that the illusion is a picture of four wooden boards against a wall. The boards are all bent at the same angle, one on top of the other.

The shadows cast by the wooden planks create perfect looking triangles when light hits them at exactly right angles.

Dozens of Reddit users commented on the confusion, giving their thoughts and how the image betrayed them.

However, not everyone was immediately struck by the lies.

Some people commented on the Reddit post saying that they can’t tell the difference at first glance. One user said, “I originally thought it was metal work and was amazed at how it was put together. So simple and eye-catching. I love how captivating the geometry is, even though Let it be just simple repeating triangles.

Recently another optical illusion happened which went viral. It can detect whether your brain is male or female. The graphic depicts the shadow of a person running and the audience is asked to determine whether the person is running towards them or away from them.

The image was initially made public by Fact Factory, which it said was part of ongoing research to determine whether people have “male” or “female” brains.

According to Fact Factories, if you see a man running towards you, you have a more “masculine” mindset. And if you see a man running away from you, you likely have a more “feminine” mindset.

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