Over 550 students test COVID-19 positive in Himachal Pradesh in a month

Over 550 students have tested positive for COVID-19 in Himachal Pradesh in a month, a state health official said on Monday. He said 556 students from various government and private schools have tested positive from September 27 to October 25.

Maximum 196 students were found corona positive in Hamirpur district, followed by 173 in Kangra, 104 in Una, 26 in Mandi, 22 in Shimla, 14 in Kinnaur, eight in Kullu, seven in Bilaspur, four in Solan and Chamba, he said. and one each in Lahaul-Spiti districts. Out of 196 students from Hamirpur district, 35 students of Navodaya Vidyalaya in Dungri were found to be Covid-positive on October 8, while 15 and 12 students of Government Senior Secondary School in Bara tested positive for the viral disease on October 23 and 24 respectively Gaya.

He said that out of the total 556 students, 250 are still suffering from coronavirus infection, while 305 students have recovered from it. According to the health department data, there are a total of 1,415 active COVID cases in Himachal Pradesh till Monday afternoon. So, one-sixth of the total active cases in the hill state are of students. Apart from this, a few days back in Hamirpur district, a 13-year-old girl student succumbed to the infection.

She fell ill and developed a throat infection soon after attending a wedding function with her family, he said, adding that she later tested corona positive and later died. The Health Department spokesperson urged the residents of the hill state in general and students in particular to follow the COVID protocol of maintaining social distancing, wearing masks and sanitizing hands at regular intervals as the infection is not over yet. happened.

The number of coronavirus cases in the hill state has reached 2,22,644 with six fresh cases reported till Monday afternoon. Of them, 3,720 have succumbed to the virus, while 2,17,492 have recovered from the infection.

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