‘Overall hiring returns to pre-pandemic levels’

According to a report by jobs site Indiad, overall hiring activity in India has touched pre-pandemic levels, and going forward, the consumption economy will play a key role in driving job growth.

For the first time in several months, hiring activity in India is at a pre-pandemic baseline (February 2020 levels), the data showed.

Job postings for technical software (IT) roles saw a 19% increase between July 2020 and July 2021 as an expected result of pandemic-induced digitisation. In addition, job postings for other IT job roles such as project heads and engineers also climbed 8-16%.

“Efforts to reopen the economy and work by businesses to work around the challenges presented by COVID-19 have pushed the Indian job market towards recovery,” said Shashi Kumar, Sales Head, Indeed India.

He said that while the relevance of tech jobs remains high, renewed demand for retail and food jobs has indicated that the consumption economy will play a key role in driving job growth.

“Cleanliness has become a top priority for both employers and job seekers. Interestingly, there is a growing interest for veterinary, medical, personal care and child care jobs.”

The easing of lockdown restrictions and reopening of spaces brought a focus on cleanliness and hygiene and a 60% increase in demand for housekeepers, caretakers and scavengers, the report said.


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