Pak, China and 5 other countries urge West to unfreeze Afghanistan’s assets

Representatives of Russia, China, Iran, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan have come together in Tashkent to discuss the issues facing Afghanistan, reports Dawn.

According to Uzbekistan’s Special Representative Ismtila Ergashev, the group urged Western countries to lift the freeze on the assets of Afghanistan’s central bank.

“Representatives of these countries emphasized that the withdrawal of money from the Central Bank of Afghanistan should be used mainly to pay the salaries of … school teachers and doctors, as well as part of the population difficult situation to support,” Ismatila Ergasheva said.

He further added, “He also emphasized that about 25 million people in Afghanistan are starving and deprived of food.”

In a recent Khama Press report, Taliban representatives were not present at the meeting. While several neighboring countries have handed over their Afghan embassies to Taliban diplomats, the group has not been invited to attend regional-level meetings held in Tashkent.

“All the meetings were held for cooperation and assistance with Afghanistan in the field of humanitarian issues and to strengthen the government and in all other areas effective for the country,” said Bilal Karimi, deputy spokesman for the Islamic Emirate, TOLO News reported. told. ,

Afghanistan’s neighbors have been calling on the Islamic Emirate’s authorities to respect human rights and lift restrictions on women and girls receiving education. They have also urged the new regime to form an all-inclusive government that represents all of Afghanistan’s people.

International relations analyst Walif Frozen said, “In this kind of regional competition, Afghanistan is used as a strategic location and every country tries to take advantage of it.”

It is reported that following the Taliban takeover of the Afghan government in 2021, the United States has frozen approximately $7 billion in central bank assets. In addition, approximately $2 billion of Afghan assets were also frozen in European banks.

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