Pakistan should learn self-respect from India, no superpower can impose conditions on Delhi: Imran Khan

Pakistan PM Imran Khan lauded India’s foreign policy and said that no country can question New Delhi’s stand in the Russo-Ukraine war.

Imran Khan will face a no-confidence motion in the National Assembly on April 9 (File/AP)

Pakistan’s beleaguered Prime Minister Imran Khan said, “No superpower can set the conditions for India,” adding that no country can stand before India when he cited the interests of the people as Russia- Ukraine refused to take sides in the war.

“EU diplomats kept pressuring that Pakistan should speak out against Russia. But they could not dare to say that to India because India is a sovereign nation,” Imran Khan said. “I cannot let people die for another country. Our foreign policy should be sovereign,” he insisted.

Addressing his nation ahead of the vote on the no-confidence motion yesterday, a defiant Imran Khan said, “The US was unhappy with my visit to Russia.” Imran Khan took a jibe at the United States, saying that despite being an ally, the western country carried out 400 drone strikes in Pakistan and actively conspired with the opposition to topple his government.

Also read: | Pakistan Live | No superpower can decide India’s foreign policy: Imran Khan

Pakistan’s troubled PM, who has been extremely vocal about his allegations against the US, also said he is not “anti-American”.

Last month, Leader of the Opposition in the Pakistan National Assembly Shahbaz Sharif moved a no-confidence motion against Khan. Voting was to be held on April 3. However, that day, in a dramatic development, the Deputy Speaker of the Assembly rejected the motion, following which Imran Khan advised the President to dissolve the Assembly and throw out the House. – Choice of turn.

The Supreme Court took suo motu cognizance of the events of April 3 and overturned the deputy speaker’s motion and overturned the President’s decision to dissolve the National Assembly.

Parliament will now vote on the no-confidence motion against the Imran Khan government at 10 am tomorrow.