Russia’s approval of Putin increased to 81 percent after attack on Ukraine: Survey

Russian citizens’ trust in their President Vladimir Putin rose from 67.2% to 81% since the war between Russia and Ukraine began on February 24, a survey by the state-run pollster Russian Public Opinion Research Center (VTsIOM) showed. Is.

VTsIOM survey showed that 78.9% of respondents approve of Putin’s military campaign and offensive Ukraine, However, only 64.3% of those surveyed supported Putin’s actions in a poll conducted before the start of Russia’s military offensive on its pro-Western neighbour.

Percentage of Citizens Rejecting Vladimir PutinActivities declined to 12.9% from 24.4% earlier.

The surveyor said the survey responses were collected between March 28 and April 4.

according to this ReutersThe current survey by VTsIOM is similar to that conducted by the independent Levada Center on 30 March in which the ratio Russians Approval of Putin’s actions increased from 71% to 83% in February.

When Russia annexed the Crimean peninsula from Ukraine in 2014, a comparable increase in the approval rating of the Russian president was seen.

Reuters The report said that since February 24, Russia – where media outlets were previously shut down out of government policy – has further reduced access to foreign media and social media. Last month Russia blocked access to major social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and the Google News Service.

The Russian invasion of Ukraine, which the Kremlin called a “special military operation” and said was aimed at demilitarizing and “condemning” the current regime of its former Soviet neighbor, created the biggest humanitarian crisis since World War II Is.

According to the UN refugee agency UNHCR, more than 4.3 million Ukrainians have fled the country and 7.1 million are internally displaced. The fleeing refugees have created a crisis in Ukraine’s neighboring countries, especially Poland.

Russia and Ukraine have held several rounds of talks so far, but none have ended the war. The biggest success during their previous talks – a face-off in Turkey on 29 March, with Moscow promising to withdraw its forces from around the Ukrainian capital Kyiv and Chernihiv.

However, only four days later, the bodies of at least 20 people in civilian clothing and 300 mass graves were found in the Ukrainian city of Bucha, northwest of Kyiv. Ukraine has alleged that retreating Russian forces killed civilians, but Russia has consistently dismissed the claims, calling them “fake propaganda”.

The killings have prompted the US and its Western allies, including Britain and the European Union (EU), to pass more sanctions against Russia. Earlier in the day, the European Union adopted its fifth wave of sanctions, which included a ban on importing Russian coal and barring its ships from European ports. The bloc also imposed sanctions on Putin’s two adult daughters – reflecting in the footsteps of the US and Britain.

(with inputs from agencies)

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