Palace: Queen Elizabeth II ‘advised to rest’ on medical grounds: Palace – Times of India

London: Queen Elizabeth II a planned trip to Northern Ireland On medical grounds, Buckingham Palace said on Wednesday.
Royal officials said in a statement that the 95-year-old monarch had “reluctantly accepted medical advice to rest for the next few days”.
“Her Majesty is in good spirits and is disappointed that she will no longer be able to tour Northern Ireland, where she was due to attend several events”, Palace said.
“NS Queen Sending our warmest wishes to the people of Northern Ireland, and look forward to coming to you in the future.”
A church service is scheduled to take place at the border to mark the 100th anniversary of the creation of Northern Ireland Armagh on Thursday.
Britain’s longest-reigning Queen hosted a reception for international business leaders attending a government investment summit at Windsor Castle on Tuesday.
He also welcomed the Japanese and European Union ambassadors via videolink.
Last week he was first seen using a walking stick in public.


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