: Panchayat building in Muzaffarpur being ‘illegally’ beautiful

An incident will happen along with the incident in Muzaffarpur Court.


A Panchayat Bhawan has been built in Muzaffarpur (Muzaffarnagar) of North Bihar and it is out of condition. The chief in the building and the panchayat (panchayat) was placed under the control of Umashankar Gupta (Uma Shankar Gupta). It was not claimed that it was fixed. However, the claim was made for what was done for safety.

this also further

In the sitting position to improve the property and make changes to your property, there is “the case of the question. Artificially created. The event has been called on social media to “subscribe to the panchayat” and to encourage the masses. Get Membership.

Meanwhile, the Muzaffarpur meeting has a time and duration of being together, which includes a time and period. Anand Kumar Jha registered an additional investigation (in the west) at Muzaffarpur. Solve Jha to a political party ‘Lok Chetna Dal’. Kumar Singh said, “Our game on May 21. Padma has been appointed as the President and Executive Minister of Muzaffarpur.

(news said)