Parenting Tips: 10 Signs Of Illness In Babies You Cannot Ignore

Last Update: January 14, 2023, 18:48 IST

When the child falls ill, it becomes the biggest problem for the parents.

Chills in summer is a sign of thyroid problem in children

Aren’t children the lifeline of every household? Parents are also happy and at peace when they are healthy and smiling. But when the child falls ill, it becomes the biggest problem for the parents. Since it is not easy to detect illness in children, let us find out what we can do to find out if your child is ill or is facing some problems.

Some common symptoms that will help you understand the disease in children are:

Symptoms seen in children aged 0 to 4 years:

If their nails and lips turn blue, it could be a sign of congenital heart problems.

If the child’s head is larger than normal, it is a sign of rickets or bone disease.

If the child is having wheezing or wheezing while breathing, it could be a sign of pneumonia or asthma.

If your child stares without blinking, it is a symptom of epilepsy.

Symptoms of the disease in children aged 5 to 10 years:

Not being able to open the eyes in the light is a problem of the child’s central nervous system.

Swelling on the face in the morning and reducing swelling by evening is a sign of kidney related disease in the child.

Symptoms of the disease in children 11 to 13 years old:

Feeling cold in summer is a sign of thyroid problem in children.

If your child’s nails are sunken in the middle like a spoon, then it is a sign that the child is deficient in iron. Along with this, it also shows the lack of blood in the child.

If there is a black spot on the neck or waist of the child, then it indicates the disease of sugar in the child.

If you notice any symptoms in your child, contact the doctor immediately.

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