Parliament Proceedings Live | Rajya Sabha proceedings begin

Union Finance Minister, Nirmala Sitharaman gave him the fourth Budget This is the second consecutive year that a paperless budget was presented in Parliament on 1 February.

The fiscal deficit is 6.9% of GDP. Announced tax relief for persons with disabilities. No change in personal income tax rates.

look | Highlights of Union Budget 2022-23

Here are the latest updates:

Rajya Sabha | 10:07 am

humanitarian aid

Government The Indian government announced humanitarian aid to Tonga after it was hit by a tsunami.

Rajya Sabha | 10:02 am

Rajya Sabha proceedings begin

Chairman Venkaiah Naidu began the session with reference to the passing away of Archbishops Desmond Tutu and David Sassoli, who passed away recently.

Rajya Sabha

List of Business in Rajya Sabha (10 AM)

1. Obit reference

2. Papers to be laid on the Table

3. Question Hour

4. Motion of Thanks on the President’s Address

Lok Sabha

List of Business in Lok Sabha (4 PM)

1. Question Hour

2. Motion of Thanks on the President’s Address
