Past sorrows may affect future praise: Study

According to the findings of a study, which was published in the ‘Journal of Experimental Social Psychology’, when people learn that someone has survived hardship or suffering in life, such as abuse and neglect as a child, they They are more likely to appreciate their good deeds as an adult. The study was carried out by a team of researchers led by Philip Robbins of the University of Missouri.

These results, according to Robbins, an associate professor and head of the Department of Philosophy in the MU College of Arts and Science, could help close the knowledge gap seen in both psychology and philosophy, two fields that examine human behavior.

Historically, psychology and philosophy have placed more emphasis on the ‘dark’ side of human behavior, such as moral wrongdoing, and less emphasis on researching the ‘light’ side of human conduct, such as acts of altruism, According to Robbins, the project’s principal investigator.

NS Study, which relies on survey data from 974 respondents, provides a better understanding of human psychology, the human mind, and a relatively neglected aspect of the human condition that relates to how people process positive behaviors such as giving praise and give feedback.

Based on the researchers’ previous work, the study examines whether adults who commit crimes are perceived as less guilty and given less punishment when told that they have suffered serious harm as children.

According to Robbins, team results are also important when considering criminal sentences, especially in larger cases. Defense attorneys often present evidence of suffering and trauma to clients in their early years, and prior and current studies by the authors support this view. He further said that the findings speak to a larger issue of how people judge others without understanding who they really are because after knowing what a person has done in life, we can see their good and negative acts. How can you evaluate.

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