Pastry chef made amazing old school race car with 18kg of chocolate

If there’s one thing you’ll find in abundance on the Internet, it’s creativity. We often see chefs and foodies coming up with the most amazing creations that impress us and how. Recently, a chef from Pune broke the record for making the largest royal icing composition. His 6 feet tall creation also won him two titles in the Guinness Book of World Records. And now, we know of another such giant creation made entirely out of chocolate. Pastry Chef Amaury Guichon has made an old school race car using 18kgs of chocolate!

(Also read: The pastry chef made a giant tiger statue out of chocolate; Internet leaves shocked,

Believe it or not, the amazing race car was made entirely of chocolate and as such was completely edible. pastry chef amaury guichon Known for its huge life-like creations made of chocolate. Whether it’s an impressively detailed lion or a gorgeous chandelier, he can make up for it all. Like his other creations, the race car was also built with great care. From the base of the car to the exterior, everything was perfect!

The entire process of building the race car was documented by the pastry chef in a video on Instagram. He revealed the shocking statistics of the chocolate race car in the caption of the post. “If you want to take a closer look at all the details of this old school race car, It took 6 days to make, it is 60 inches long and 40 inches tall for a total of 50 pounds of dark chocolate.” Thus, 18 kg of chocolate was used to make this car!

The clip has garnered over 1 million views on the platform, with thousands of appreciative comments from users. “Genius artist,” wrote one user, while another added, “how come you don’t have a degree in physics or engineering? Always amazing!!”

Watch the full video of the amazing chocolate race car here:

About Aditi AhujaAditi loves talking and meeting like-minded people (especially those who love Veg Momos). Plus points if you find his bad jokes and sitcom references, or if you recommend a new place to eat.