Patna: Mosquito repellents fly off the shelves. Patna News – Times of India

PatnaThe sale of mosquito nets, repellent sprays, roll-ons, creams, vaporizers, mats and coils, mosquito killing rackets and wipes has increased by 5 to 15% in the past few days in view of the sudden spurt in dengue cases in the city. Since few days people are taking all precautions against the disease.
Super markets and malls are also witnessing a boom in the sale of products that repel mosquitoes to keep dengue away. Available in various colors and sizes, window nets and mosquito nets with hooks are popular in demand by residents, said Srikanth, a shopkeeper at a bedding shop near Kulharia Complex. They said that usually they sell around 7-8 mesh for bedding and windows around this time, but now they are selling 20-25 pieces per day.
Several temporary stalls have also been set up in the city to keep mosquitoes away. Pyarelal, who runs a mosquito net stall on Birchand Patel Path, said there has been a 5 per cent increase in sales in the last few days as the dengue scare has increased in the city. “I have four types of mosquito nets including cotton, which range between Rs 150 to Rs 550 per piece. Mosquito nets come in different sizes for single, double, king and queen size beds,” he said.
Dinesh Kumar, a shopkeeper of a medical store near PMCH, said, ‘We used to sell 8-10 mosquito repellent One day, but now the sale has gone up to 30-35 pieces. People love repellent sprays containing herbs made from essential oils of neem, peppermint, lavender and lemongrass.”
Electronic shops are also making profits as people are buying rackets and bats to kill mosquitoes. Ranjit Singh, executive of a shop on Boring Canal Road, said the price of the racket is between Rs 350 and Rs 1,200.
Residents are extra cautious about personal safety and health concerns of family members. Patel Nagar resident Nikita Agarwal said that sprays and vaporizers are not enough to keep dengue away. “I am also ensuring proper cleaning of the house and surrounding areas,” she said.