Pegasus controversy: Supreme Court extends time to submit probe report

The Supreme Court has given the court-appointed panel till June 20 to complete its investigation into the Pegasus controversy. The inquiry committee informed the court that 29 mobile devices have been checked apart from interactions with several journalists and experts.

The technical committee told the top court that it has examined 29 “infected” mobile phones for spyware and also recorded statements of some of the petitioners, activists and journalists.

Supreme Court The matter will be heard next in July, 2022.

“Preferably, the process should be over in four weeks by the technical committee and informed to the supervisory judge. Thereafter the supervisory judge will submit his report. List sometime in July,” the CJI said.

In October last year, the top court had ordered a probe into the alleged use of spyware.

An international media association had reported that there were more than 300 verified Indian mobile phone numbers on the list of potential targets for surveillance using Pegasus spyware. Pegasus software is created by Israel-based NSO Group Technologies.

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