Pegasus spying trying to crush Indian democracy: Rahul Gandhi

If data of our Election Commission, opposition leaders or chief ministers is kept outside India, they are attacking national security,” said Congress leader Rahul Gandhi

Congress leader Rahul Gandhi termed October 27 as a ‘big step’ Supreme Court appoints three-member panel of cyber experts To investigate the alleged use of Israeli spyware Pegasus For some people to monitor, and expressed confidence that the truth would come out.

Stating that the alleged espionage using Pegasus is an “attempt to crush Indian democracy”, Mr. Gandhi said it was a “big step that the Supreme Court has said they are going to look into the matter. Trust me”. That we will get it. Truth out of it”.

“The Pegasus spyware was ordered either by the Prime Minister or the Home Minister,” Mr Gandhi said. “If the PM has done this, we would like to know why the PM is doing illegal acts,” he said, adding, “It is illegal to use Pegasus in India. The Prime Minister is not above the law.”

“We were asking three basic questions – who authorized Pegasus, which agency authorized Pegasus, as we all know Pegasus cannot be bought by a private person, it has to be bought by a government; The second question was who was it used against; the last thing was whether any other country had access to the information of our people,” the former Congress chief said.

“If data of Election Commission or opposition leaders is going to PM, it is a criminal act. If you are using it to deal with terrorism then it is a different matter. But it is completely criminal to use the data for personal use of the PM,” Mr Gandhi said.

“Governments have been put off, for example in Karnataka, using Pegasus,” he said.

“The government was attacking national security. If the data of our Election Commission, opposition leaders or chief ministers is kept outside India, they are attacking national security,” Mr Gandhi said.

Mr. Gandhi said that this is not a political matter but a matter of existence. “And that’s one of the reasons you see silent opposition,” he said.

(with inputs from PTI)


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