People do not like this popular dish of South like this, eating in breakfast gives many amazing benefits

Breakfast Tips: You can have your breakfast in breakfast.

special things

  • Dosa once, the solution is to make.
  • Dosa is a tested and essential one.
  • Dosa is also a day.

South Indian Cuisine: For frequent viewing, are flooded across the country. By being healthy in diet, you can make the country healthy. Those who checked the soap dispenser checked. The same will happen in case of such behavior. Dosa is an essential, tasty, detection. All over India, Dosa Variety Multiplication Methods and Benefits of Dosa..

Benefits of eating Dosa: (Dosa Khane Ke Fayde)

1. Proteo:

this also further

The dosa is cured well. Have breakfast in the morning. By consuming it rana, hadthut raur kana strengthen strong strong strong strong strong strong strong strong strong strong strong strong strong strong strong strong

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Dosa packets, packets are being credit: iStock

2. Accommodation:

It is a diet. It protects against disease. The dosa is cured well. Movie you can make more essential and nutritious by filling sabzi or peehi.

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3. Take:

If you are involved with a low load, transcribe the dosa, the dosa-capable member that supports the load. To reduce the weight, you can experiment with vegetable sambar. The load can be projected at high speed.

4. Bone

The same can be done even if it is harmful as it is harmful.

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For dosa strategy Click.

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