People keep looking for lost rings wrapped around carrots and no one knows why

In a strange incident, a Swedish woman named Lena Pahlsson found an extra carrot along with a diamond ring that she had lost in her garden in 1995. This incident happened in 2011. It stops here now, according to a viral Twitter thread in 2016, an unnamed 82-year-old man found his wedding ring wrapped around a carrot. He lost it in the garden three years ago. This trend continued and in 2017, a Canadian woman, who was 84 years old, found a ring she had lost in her garden in 2004. “Because – you guessed it – a carrot grew through it,” read the Twitter thread.

Mary Grams kept the loss of the ring a secret from her son for more than a decade. Not only his son but no one knew about his lost ring. His daughter-in-law discovers the secret. When he pulled out a lumpy carrot, he also found the ring.

Earlier when she lost the ring, Grams went out and bought a cheaper version of the same ring. “I may have done the wrong thing, but you are so upset,” he told the BBC.

According to a BBC report, Mrs Grams said she wished she had told her husband, who had died five years earlier, about the ring. He was a clown, she said and must have found this whole situation very funny. “If I’m going out or anything I’m going to put it in a safe place. That’s what I should have done,” she said. Now that she has the Ring back, Grams said she’ll be more careful.

That’s not it. In 2018, in England, 69-year-old Lynn Keech found the ring she had lost 12 years earlier in the garden. It was also as if all the others were wrapped around the carrot that had somehow grown through it.

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