Petrol, Diesel Price in Delhi, Mumbai: Know How Much You Will Have to Pay Now?

Center announced record cut in excise duty on petrol on Saturday 8 per liter and that on diesel 6 per liter provides relief to consumers suffering from high fuel prices, which have pushed inflation to several years’ high. After this, how much will the price of petrol come down? 9.5 per liter and of diesel 7 per litre.

How much do you have to pay for petrol and diesel in these cities?

  • currently, petrol in delhi cost now 105.41 per liter and diesel 96.67 per liter. After reduction in excise duty, the price of petrol will be 95.91 per liter, and diesel 89.67 per liter
  • Petrol and diesel prices are low in Mumbai 120.51 more 104.77 per liter respectively. Now, you can buy petrol here 111.01 per liter and on diesel 97.77 per liter
  • In Chennai, petrol and diesel prices are down 110.85 more 100.94 per liter. Petrol will be expensive after the cut 101.35 will be more diesel 93.94.
  • Petrol price in Kolkata is 115.12 and diesel is 99.83. Now the price of petrol is Rs 105.62 per liter and the price of diesel 92.83 per liter
  • One liter of petrol will be charged in Bangalore 111.09 and one liter of diesel will cost 94.79. Now, you can buy petrol here 101.59 per liter and on diesel 87.79 per liter

Petrol and diesel prices have remained stable for more than 40 days. Along with cut on Excise duty on fuel ratesThe Center also announced subsidy on gas cylinders.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday said the Centre’s decisions, especially those relating to a significant drop in petrol and diesel prices, will have a positive impact on various sectors, providing relief to citizens and advancing ‘ease of living’.

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