Petrol-diesel price today: 13. see

New Delhi:

Fuel price today: Crude crude was touching the level of crude in the international market. The country is changing – even today, whatever the change may be for diesel. Blossoming like oil. Put it on spoiled food in the morning in August. Tweet, US WTI crude closed at the last level on 6.08 October. The appropriate level was seen in 2008.

this also further

If the Battery Planning and Analysis Cell (PPAC) is in the latest position in the market, the crude price as on date is 117.01. 109.51 per cent on the copy.

nazrir kanak are country of different rirs in in in in belly belly belly belly belly diesel

city Crime diesel
Daily 96.72 89.62
quota 106.03 92.76
Mumbai 111.35 97.28
English 102.63 94.24
external 96.79 89.96
Ludhiana 96.79 89.76
patte 107.24 94.04
Raipur 108.48 93.72
Public :

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