Photographer asks elderly Sikh man to click pictures, internet gets emotional

The video has been shared by photographer Sutej Singh Pannu

A heartwarming video of an elderly Sikh man’s reaction when a photographer asked him to click his pictures has gone viral on social media. The pure and profound reaction of a Sikh man on seeing his picture has sent the internet emotional and will surely warm your heart too.

The video has been shared by photographer Sutej Singh Pannu on his Instagram account. In the video, he approaches an elderly man at his grocery store and asks for some candy and two packets of chips. He later asks if he can photograph her at his shop. The man was a bit taken aback at first, but accepted the request and posed for a few pictures. Mr. Pannu then prints a photograph of the man present at the spot and gives it to him as a gift, leaving the elderly man overwhelmed and filled with gratitude.

“You are very kind. Thank you very much, wish you a long life,” said the old man.

Watch the video here:

Sharing the video, Mr. Pannu wrote about self-awareness and spiritual awakening. In a long caption, he wrote, “One of the most powerful aspects of spiritual awakening is the heightened sense of self-awareness that comes with it. Through self-reflection and introspection, individuals become more attuned to their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. They begin to recognize patterns and habits that no longer serve them and can work toward breaking free of them.

Self-awareness is an important component of personal growth and spiritual development. It allows individuals to take responsibility for their own lives and empowers them to make conscious choices based on their true desires and values. Spiritual awakening and self-awareness are powerful tools for personal growth and transformation. By adopting these processes, individuals can unlock their full potential and live more fulfilling and purposeful lives.

The video has left netizens overwhelmed who said they got emotional after seeing the man’s pure reaction. Many also thanked the photographer for capturing the beautiful moments.

One user said, “The way he said ‘Mary?’ As if it was shocking to him that anyone would show interest in him. He seemed to have tears in his eyes by the end of it and was grateful not only for the photo, but also for the short time we had to chat. Spend time with your elders, listen carefully to their experiences and stories, and learn about their lives. Because no course, degree or school on earth can teach you what they can teach. Love, respect and cherish them. May Allah bless Uncle Ji with a long, healthy and happy life where he can rest, pray and smile as much as he wants.

Another commented, “I am not crying. You are!!!” A third wrote, “Did tears come from her eyes? Because mine did.” A fourth said, “The way he thanked and folded his hands…gratitude turns what we have into coffee.”

The fifth added, “It really brought me to tears seeing how happy you made uncle.” It was the much needed love and appreciation from him.. You are a beautiful soul in a human body. You capture the hearts of the illustrious people of Punjab.

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