PM Modi leaves for Rome to attend G20 summit, details here

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has left for New Delhi to attend the G20 summit to be held in Rome on Friday.

Prime Minister Modi will pay tribute to Mahatma Gandhi on the first day of his arrival in Rome. He will also meet Pope Francis in the Vatican during his two-day visit.

The Prime Minister will be visiting Rome and Vatican City from 29 to 31 October at the invitation of Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi.

He will be in Glasgow, United Kingdom on 1 November 2 for the COP26 meeting at the invitation of British Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

In Rome, the Prime Minister will join other G20 leaders in discussions on global economic and pandemic health recovery, sustainable development and climate change during the 16th summit.

“This will be the G20’s first in-person summit since the outbreak of the pandemic in 2020 and will allow us to take stock of the current global situation and exchange ideas on how the G20 is an engine to strengthen economic resilience and build May be inclusive and back from the pandemic in a sustainable way,” the Prime Minister said.

During his visit to Italy, the Prime Minister will also visit Vatican City to meet Pope Francis and call on Foreign Minister Cardinal Pietro Parolin.

During the G20 summit, the Prime Minister will also meet leaders of other partner countries and review progress in India’s bilateral relations with them. In Glasgow, the Prime Minister will participate in the high-level segment of COP-26, titled ‘World Leaders Summit’ (WLS) with 120 heads of state and governments from around the world on 1,2 November.

The Prime Minister said that India is setting new records in the collective effort for climate adaptation and would share India’s excellent track record on climate action at the WLS. We are taking ambitious action on clean and renewable energy, energy efficiency, afforestation and the expansion of biodiversity. Today, India is setting new records in climate adaptation, mitigation and resilience and in a collective effort to forge multilateral alliances.”

PM Modi said that India is among the top countries in the world in terms of installed renewable energy, wind and solar power capacity.

“I advocate for equitable distribution of carbon space, support for mitigation and adaptation and the need to comprehensively address climate change issues, including resilience-building measures, mobilizing finance, technology transfer and the importance of sustainable lifestyles for green and inclusive growth. I will also throw light on it.” said.

The Prime Minister said that the COP26 summit will provide an opportunity to meet with all stakeholders including leaders, innovators and inter-governmental organizations from partner countries and explore the possibilities of further accelerating India’s clean development.

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