PM Modi shared 71 thousand employment letters in the employment fair, these 10 big things during his family members

Today India is the fastest growing industry in the world: PM

New Delhi:
Prime Minister Narendra Modi today handed over appointment letters to around 71,000 youth under the recruitment drive ‘Rojgar Mail’. The Prime Minister also sent a message to the youth handing over these appointment letters through video conferencing.

While speaking, the PM said these big things-

  1. While giving a message to the youth through video conferencing, the Prime Minister said, congratulations to all of you, the process of giving government jobs in NDA and BJP states is going on at a fast pace.

  2. During this, the PM said that today’s new India is running on a new policy and strategy. He has opened doors of new possibilities and opportunities in the country.

  3. The PM said that new employment opportunities are being created. Employment is being created in the new sector. The toy industry has expanded in India.

  4. PM further said that we have set full scenes for toys being imported and started promoting our indigenous industry. Within 3-4 years, the toy industry was rejuvenated and many new employment opportunities were created.

  5. in your meeting PM Modi also mentioned the research and said that today there is tremendous enthusiasm among the youth of India regarding the performance. Today, everything from modern satellites to semi high speed trains are being manufactured in India only.

  6. He said that today India is the fastest growing industrialist in the world. The whole world is facing recession after Kovid-19, companies of most countries are continuously falling.

  7. The PM said that today many such sectors have opened up in front of the youth, which were not in front of the youth 10 years ago. The example of Anushilan is in front of us.

  8. Referring to a report in his address, the PM said that it talks about creating more than 40 lakh direct and linked jobs. Similarly, there is also the electronics sector. At the same time, in the last 8-9 years, the sports sector of the country has also been rejuvenated.

  9. Referring to the ‘Self-reliant India campaign’, the PM said that the thinking and approach of ‘Self-reliant India campaign’ is more than just indigenous adoption and ‘vocal for local’. This is not a matter of limited scope. ‘Self-reliant India campaign’ is a campaign to create crores of employment opportunities in India, from villages to cities.

  10. Talking about the development happening in India, PM Modi said, “Every infrastructure project is ensuring employment and self-employment. In 2014, there were less than 400 medical colleges in India, while today there are 660 medical colleges.” .