PM Modi: TRS questions PM Modi in Gujarati, BJP counterattacked in Urdu India News – Times of India

HYDERABAD: After a two-day battle of posters, the TRS-BJP battle took on a linguistic color as it continued on Twitter on Monday.
While TRS targeted Gujarati PM Narendra Modi, BJP turn to Urdu Attacks Chief Minister for highlighting Gulabi Party’s close ties with AIMIM K Chandrashekhar Rao, Though the two parties have been involved in heated exchanges on social media in recent months, this is the first time they have used language to target each other.
TRS posted eight questions on its official handle from CM KCR PM Modi in Gujarati, saying it was “in the best language he understands (sic)” as it sought his response on issues ranging from fuel prices and inflation to stepfather’s behavior. Telangana,
The saffron party chose Urdu as a countermeasure, which is a clear sign of the TRS-AIMIM friendship. It shot back with 13 “failures” of the TRS government, such as farmer suicides, the unfulfilled dream of a golden Telangana and the debt issue. A BJP party leader said, “Our Minority Morcha replied in Urdu after his sarcastic Gujarati tweet.”

As soon as the BJP announced the PM’s visit for a public meeting in the city, both the parties had created several hashtags to counter each other. With hashtags like ‘BJP NEC in Telangana’, ‘Team Modi in Telangana’ etc., BJP slammed TRS by calling it ‘Modi Agaya’. KCR Dargaya‘ and ‘Saludora’ (God enough).
While TRS had hashtags like ‘Bye by Modi’, ‘BJP Circus Modi’ and ‘Modi must answer’. “The social media war between parties is sometimes funny and bad. But if this is the scene even before the elections, then it may become more aggressive only after the elections approach as parties try to take advantage through social media,” said political analyst S Ramakrishna.