PM Modi’s interaction with US President Biden and other world leaders at G20 summit

G20 remains a valuable platform for India’s engagement with the world’s major economies

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday interacted with world leaders including US President Joe Biden G20 Summit, exchanging happiness and displaying a sense of camaraderie.

In a series of photos tweeted by PMO India, Prime Minister Modi is seen meeting Mr Biden, French President Emmanuel Macron, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

“on the edge of @g20org Rome SummitInteracted with various leaders, PM @narendramodi said in the tweet.

In the pictures, Mr Modi is seen walking in a half-hug with Mr Biden, apparently sharing a light chitchat. Both the leaders seem to be happy in each other’s company.

Mr Biden hosted Mr Modi for his first in-person meeting at the White House on 24 September.

In other photos, Mr Modi is seen embracing Mr Macron and engaged in an animated discussion with Mr Trudeau and Mr Johnson.

Earlier, all world leaders were participating G20 Summit, including Mr Modi, gathered for a “family photo”.

“World leaders meet in Rome for the @g20org summit, an important multilateral forum of global interest,” the PMO said in another tweet.

Ahead of Prime Minister Modi’s visit to Rome, Foreign Secretary Harsh Vardhan Shringla said that the G20 remains a valuable platform for India’s engagement with the world’s major economies and setting trends and benchmarks for global economic growth and recovery.

Modi meets Emmanuel Macron

Mr Modi also met French President Emmanuel Macron on the sidelines of the G20 summit and the two leaders had “productive discussions” on a range of issues of mutual and global interest.

Mr Modi, who is at the invitation of his Italian counterpart Mario Draghi, was accompanied by National Security Advisor Ajit Doval and External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar during the meeting with Mr Macron.

“Helpful discussion on the sidelines of the @g20org summit between PM @narendramodi and President @EmmanuelMacron. India and France are cooperating extensively in various fields. Today’s talks will give impetus to the bilateral ties between the two countries,” the Prime Minister’s Office tweeted.

The meeting comes more than a month after the two leaders had a telephonic conversation, amid strong criticism by Paris of the Aukas (Australia-UK-US) security partnership.

During a telephonic conversation last month, the two leaders agreed to “work jointly” in the Indo-Pacific to keep the region stable, rules-based and free from any hegemony.

At that time, the two reviewed the growing bilateral cooperation in the Indo-Pacific region and the important role of the Indo-French partnership in promoting stability and security in the region.

They vowed to maintain regular discussions to coordinate upcoming events, particularly the G20 and COP26 on climate change, and to continue their joint action against the COVID-19 pandemic.


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