Pocket Networks Adds Support for the NEAR Blockchain

Pocket Networks, a relay infrastructure middleware protocol, has added support for NEAR, a developer-friendly, proof-of-stake public blockchain.

Adding support for NEAR within pocket network Improves the experience for developers, allowing them to deploy applications on any blockchain network supported by Pocket Networks, without worrying about single points of failure that are prone to degrade the service.

Supports 46 Blockchains

Pocket Network boasts a globally distributed network of over 47,000 full nodes that serve Web3 applications across 46 blockchains, including Ethereum, Polygon, Solana, Fuse, Avalanche and Harmony.

Adding support for NEAR takes Pocket Network’s mission a step further by not only providing abundant bandwidth for the NEAR blockchain network, but also driving revenue generation.

It gives NEAR and Pocket Network node runners an opportunity to earn $POKT for servicing traffic from applications, tools, services, and protocols.

Michael O’Rourke, Co-Founder and CEO of Pocket Networks, said, “Supporting NEAR, the fastest-growing non-EVM L1, contributes to Pocket’s chain-agnostic mission to support 100 blockchain networks by the end of the year. Pocket goes where developers and users go, and they’re getting closer in large numbers.”

“Supporting NEAR within the Pocket Network provides developers with a more flexible, reliable, and censorship-resistant RPC service to leverage, creates an additional stream of revenue in the form of a $POKT incentive for full-node operators, and NEAR makes the blockchain network more robust. This is a win-win scenario for NEAR apps, NEAR nodes, and the Pocket Network protocol.”

NEAR to dapps. reduces friction of connecting

Pocket Networks allocates NEAR network bandwidth and relays NEAR traffic autonomously through its protocol.

As a result, Pocket Networks, a layer-2 product on top of the Pocket Network protocol, allows developers to mint RPC endpoints via the Pocket Portal to connect dApps to NEAR through a simple three-click process. Reduces friction.

exponential organic growth

NEAR has seen exponential biological growth, showing an accelerated interest in the NEAR ecosystem, especially compared to other non-EVM ecosystems. The more NEAR full nodes in the network, the more robust and resilient the NEAR blockchain will be.

This increase also means more developer activity and therefore more relays for node runners to serve and earn $POKT.

Cameron Dennis, Head of Ecosystems at the NEAR Foundation, said Web3 is about an alternative to the exit from centralized systems. “That’s why I am thrilled that NEAR developers will now have the opportunity to choose between a decentralized network of RPC endpoints for Pocket Networks and other centralized solutions.”

NEAR apps have low latency, 100% uptime

On the app side of the marketplace, NEAR applications are able to take advantage of the benefits that naturally emerged with a decentralized RPC protocol, such as 100% uptime, low latency, and no monthly SaaS fees.

Dapp developers can mint up to two NEAR endpoints per Pocket Portal account, with each endpoint serving 1M requests per day. This is done directly through the portal.

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