PoK PM Abdul Qayyum Niazi resigns after rebellion in Imran Khan’s ruling party

Niazi, who was elected by his party chief Khan, resigned on Thursday after 25 lawmakers from his party moved a motion of no-confidence with the party’s regional president Sardar Tanveer Ilyas replacing him.

Niazi, who was elected by his party chief Khan, resigned on Thursday after 25 lawmakers from his party moved a motion of no-confidence with the party’s regional president Sardar Tanveer Ilyas replacing him.

In another setback to Imran Khan, the Prime Minister of Pakistan-occupied Kashmir, Sardar Abdul Qayyum Niazi has resigned following a rebellion against him in the ruling Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party.

Mr Niazi, elected by his party chief Khan, resigned on Thursday after 25 lawmakers from his party moved a motion of no-confidence with the party’s regional president Sardar Tanveer Ilyas replacing him.

Mr Niazi’s expulsion comes days after Mr Khan lost a no-confidence vote in the National Assembly Pakistan’s prime minister will be removed from power unnecessarily,

Under Article 16(1) of the Constitution, “I, the undersigned, resign from my office of Prime Minister”, reads the handwritten resignation dated 14 April, which was addressed to the President of PoK, Sultan Mahmood Chaudhry.

Presidential Affairs Secretary Dr. Asif Hussain Shah confirmed that Mr. Choudhary has received and accepted Mr. Niazi’s resignation and sent it to the Chief Secretary for a formal notification. dawn Newspaper reported.

Mr Niazi came to power last year after PTI secured 32 seats in the 53-member house.

India had rejected the polls in PoK saying the “cosmetic exercise” was nothing but an attempt by Pakistan to “conceal its illegal occupation”.

Reacting strongly to the elections in PoK, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Arindam Bagchi had said that Pakistan “has no right over these Indian territories” and should vacate all Indian territories under its illegal occupation.

He had said, “The so-called elections in the Indian territories under illegal occupation of Pakistan are nothing but an attempt by Pakistan to hide its illegal occupation and material changes made by it in these areas.”

“Such an exercise can neither hide illegal occupation by Pakistan nor can it lead to serious human rights violations, exploitation and deprivation of liberty to the people in these occupied territories,” Bagchi said. The Dawn report said that ruling party lawmakers blamed Mr Niazi for “loss of confidence of the parliamentary party, failure to highlight the Kashmir issue and poor governance, nepotism and violation of merit besides implementing the party’s manifesto”. failure” was alleged.

Speaking at a news conference in Islamabad on Thursday, Mr Niazi said “baseless allegations” have been leveled against him in the no-confidence motion.

“I sent my resignation after a gap of one hour to the party president Imran Khan and then the president,” he said, adding that he would continue to work as a normal party worker.

Mr Niazi was part of the All Jammu and Kashmir Muslim Conference before leaving to join PTI three years ago. He was also elected from the forum of the Muslim Conference in 2006 and has also served as the Minister of Food.