Police raid on AAP office in Ahmedabad, party claims BJP ‘standing’

Last Update: 12 September 2022, 08:52 IST

Leaders of the Aam Aadmi Party’s (AAP) Gujarat unit said on Twitter that the raids were conducted soon after Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal reached Ahmedabad. (Photo: File/Twitter)

Kejriwal hit out at the BJP after his party’s Gujarat unit leader Isudan Gadhvi claimed on Twitter that the police raided the party office and searched for two hours.

Police raided the AAP office in Ahmedabad on Sunday, with the party claiming that the ruling BJP is “extremely upset” by the “excessive support” it is getting for the Gujarat Assembly polls. Leaders of the Aam Aadmi Party’s (AAP) Gujarat unit said on Twitter that the raids were conducted soon after Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal reached Ahmedabad.

Reacting to the development, Kejriwal said that the Gujarat Police did not find anything in the party office as AAP leaders and workers are “hardcore honest”. There was no immediate reaction from Gujarat Police on AAP’s claim.

“BJP is deeply troubled by the immense support AAP is getting from the people of Gujarat. A storm is brewing in your favor in Gujarat,” Kejriwal said in a tweet in Hindi. After Delhi, raids have also started in Gujarat. Nothing was found in Delhi, nothing was found in Gujarat also. We are staunchly honest and patriotic people.”

The AAP national convener hit out at the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) after his party’s Gujarat unit leader Isudan Gadhvi claimed on Twitter that soon after Kejriwal reached Ahmedabad, police raided the party office and searched for two hours. Took. As soon as Kejriwal reached Ahmedabad, the Gujarat Police raided the office of the Aam Aadmi Party. Searched for two hours and left. Nothing found. Said they would come again,” Gadhvi said in a tweet in Hindi.

AAP’s Gujarat unit said in a tweet, “BJP is so scared of the rising popularity of Aam Aadmi Party in Gujarat that it is now misusing power to raid our office.” He said, ‘After Delhi, now they have started raids in Gujarat also. Delhi or Gujarat, they are not going to get anything.

Gujarat assembly elections are due later this year.


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