Pope apologizes for abuses at ‘devastating’ school in Canada – Times of India

maskavasis (Alberta): Pope Francis apologized for catholic cathedralcooperate with CanadaThe “disastrous” policy of Indigenous residential schools, asserting that the forced assimilation of native peoples into Christian society destroyed their cultures, their families and marginalized generations, is still felt today.
“I humbly apologize for the evil done by so many Christians against the indigenous people,” said Francis near the site of the East Erminskin Indian Residential SchoolNow at large, broke into the lands of the four Cree nations in the south EdmontonAlberta.
The long-awaited apology opened Francis’ week-long “atonement pilgrimage” to Canada to help guide the church on its path to reconciliation with indigenous peoples and heal victims.
Francis’ words on Monday went beyond his earlier apology for the missionaries’ “reprehensible” acts and instead took responsibility for the church’s institutional association with a “disastrous” assimilation policy, which denounces Canada’s truth and conciliation commission What amounted to a “cultural genocide”.