Porn ‘hub’ in mobile shop: Surat Police arrests 3 for selling videos, 65 clips seized

Surat City Police has arrested three persons, two mobile repairing shop owners and an employee for downloading and selling obscene clips in Kosad and Vadodara areas of Surat, Gujarat. India Reported. The police have also recovered 65 obscene clips from the shops of the arrested people. Two shops were raided after police received information that shopkeepers were involved in the circulation of pornographic videos.

The action by the police comes after a local Protection of Children from Sexual Offenses (POCSO) court in Surat sentenced a 35-year-old man to death for the rape and murder of a two-and-a-half-year-old girl. in November. According to the statement of Surat Police Commissioner, the convict was addicted to watching porn videos, after which the police decided to conduct the operation.

Pandesara police raided Arya Mobile’s shop in Indiranagar locality of Vadodara and arrested the mobile shop owner Ravi Paland and his employee Anil Vishwakarma. A total of 56 obscene clips have been seized by the police from the shop. On the other hand, Amroli police arrested Girish Patti, owner of another mobile repairing shop, from where the police seized nine pornographic video clips, the newspaper reported.

Selling, publishing, producing and distributing pornography is illegal in India under sections 292 and 293 of the Indian Penal Code. Section 67B of the Information Technology Act 2000 strictly prohibits child pornography across the country. However, viewing porn other than child and rape pornography in one’s private place is not a crime. In 2018, the government, following an order from the Uttarakhand High Court, ordered internet service providers to block 827 websites hosting pornographic content. The court has taken cognizance of reports that four students in Dehradun had watched pornographic clips on the internet before gang-raping a class 10 girl.

While studies fail to detect a clear and significant link between porn and sexual violence in India, the frequent highlights of porn viewing habits of rape convicts and access to porn in the context of sexual violence against women and minors Easy access has been observed.

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