Post-festival diet tips: Expertly suggested meal composition to cleanse your body

The festive season has arrived and we are celebrating different types of festivals one after the other. This means, most of us are on a bingeing spree at the moment. Let’s agree, food and festivals go hand in hand. And each festival comes with unique sweet and savory dishes to indulge in. While it is completely normal to binge during special occasions, it should also be remembered that it is equally important to cleanse your body at regular intervals to maintain good health. Now, the question comes to the fore – what is the right way to cleanse our body? If you search the internet for a post-festive detox plan, you’ll find countless tips that often confuse you. Fret not, we’ve got you covered here.

Also read: 5 Post-Festival Detox Foods To Get Healthy Skin

We’ve got some handy tips that will make the detox process easy and fuss-free. These tips are shared by celebrity nutritionist Namami Agarwal. Sharing on Instagram, he wrote, “Cleaning up after the festival…Let’s make our meals in a structured way.” Take a look at the post below:

Festive detox: Here are 6 easy tips to keep in mind when planning your meals:

1. Eat at two hour intervals:

Eating small meals at regular intervals boosts metabolism, which helps in cleansing the body and intestines.

2. Include Hydrating Foods:

Hydration is the key to good health. Including hydrating vegetables like cucumber, bottle gourd etc and fruits along with coconut water, vegetable juice etc in your diet helps in purifying the body and maintaining water balance.

3. Include Whole Grains and Protein:

Namami Agarwal suggests adding jowar, bajra, ragi and other whole grains to your diet to enjoy the benefits of essential vitamins, minerals and other nutrients.

millet flour

4. Include Fiber:

Including fiber-rich food in your diet helps regulate bowel movements, which aids in digestion, metabolism and the production of healthy gut bacteria. Fiber also helps keep you full for longer, reducing hunger pangs.

5. Early Dinner:

Every health expert suggests eating a light and early dinner to help the body metabolize well. Eating early dinner is also known to prevent weight gain and other lifestyle problems.

6. Avoid Refined Sugar:

Refined sugar is loaded with trans fats and calories that can lead to many lifestyle-related problems. Therefore, to speed up the process, it is always advisable to avoid refined sugar and sugary foods during the diet.

Now that you have a meal composition, we suggest following it to cleanse your body properly after all those festivities. But always do not forget to consult an expert before adopting any lifestyle change.

Eat healthy, stay fit!

Disclaimer: This material, including advice, provides general information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your doctor for more details. NDTV does not take responsibility for this information.

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