Postpartum depression: tips for all new moms to deal with stress and anxiety

PPD can adversely affect the life of the mother if it is not addressed early. (Photo: shutterstock)

If you are suffering from postpartum depression, you can try these tips to deal with the anxiety you are experiencing.

A woman’s body and mind go through many changes during and after pregnancy. For some women, childbirth can lead to postpartum depression (PPD). The new mother may feel disconnected from the baby and may experience depression, loss of appetite and low libido. The underlying cause of postpartum depression has not yet been identified, but it may be related to the sudden drop in hormone levels after delivery. PPD is also affected by social and psychological changes.

PPD can adversely affect the life of the mother if it is not addressed early. She may go through extreme fatigue, deal with a lot of mood swings, have trouble meeting her baby’s needs, and in some cases may even be troubled by suicidal thoughts. There is a growing need for strategies to deal with PPD. Fortunately, there are some methods that can help you reduce the symptoms. If you are suffering from postpartum depression, you can try these tips to deal with the anxiety you are experiencing.

  1. Enough Sleep
    Most new moms are sleep-deprived, which leads to poor energy levels, irritability and irritability, as well as increased stress levels. Making an effort to get enough sleep can actually improve your mental health. You can try to get some sleep in stages whenever your baby is resting. This may help reverse the effects of waking up in the night.
  2. share responsibility
    The mother often takes full responsibility for whatever the baby needs. After delivery, it would be better to divide the work of taking care of the child among themselves. Enlist the help of your partner or family and share some of the workload.
  3. make self-care a priority
    Most new moms neglect themselves because they are so busy taking care of their babies. It is important that you take time for yourself amidst everything that is going on in your life. Try meeting or talking to your friends. Do regular exercise or yoga to keep your mind calm.
  4. join support groups
    Talking to support groups can help. You can learn from the experiences of other people with PPD. Support groups will understand your situation better than anyone else.
  5. bond with your baby
    Skin-to-skin contact helps you relax and strengthens your bond with your baby. If the room is cool, drape a blanket over the baby’s back to keep him warm. Make sure to touch their bare chest with yours.
  6. consult a doctor
    A therapist can help you develop strategies for dealing with your feelings. In extreme cases, your doctor may prescribe you antidepressants or other medications to improve your condition. But make sure you take your medicines as prescribed by the doctor.

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